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Prairie Shepherdess

Wool Dryer Ball Kit - DIY

Wool Dryer Ball Kit - DIY

Regular price $45.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $45.00 CAD
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Have you been looking to make your own wool dryer balls? Everything you need to make your own dryer balls at home is in this kit.

In this kit you can find -

~3 balls of solid white roving from sheep raised in Alberta

~Ball of dyed Corriedale roving of your choice

~Felting needle

~Step by step instructions with photos

All the wool included in this kit is from sheep raised in Alberta, and has been washed and processed at mills throughout Alberta. Each ball of white roving will make one dryer ball, so you will have a total of 3 dryer balls after felting which is the perfect amount to make the adjustment over to dryer balls. I always recommend 3-5 dryer balls for smaller loads, and 5-7 dryer balls for larger loads. 

From the time I started processing my own wool and using animal products, I've wanted to stay all natural and produce finished products without the use of chemicals and toxins, and these dryer balls are just that. If you've been looking to start using cleaner, healthier products for your home, these are the perfect first adjustment. 

Why should you switch to 100% wool dryer balls?

-They are free of chemicals and toxins making them a safer option to use on your clothes and ultimately safer for your skin.

-They sneak in between your layers of clothing, and bounce around into the clothing which helps reduce your drying time by 25%!

-Unlike dryer sheets that have to be thrown away after each use, dryer balls can be reused in your dryer up to 1,000 times, sometimes even longer. We've had the same dryer balls for a few years now, and they still work wonderful!

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